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πŸ”» ​

the way

Via Icon

πŸ”» ​

Inverted Red Triangle


the interface between Moto, Neuro and Eco

Why is it called ?

Etymology of "" ​

Road, Path, Route, through, using, composed of

  • Rail
  • Ferrata
  • duct
  • age
  • en
  • ticum
  • tic
  • tri
  • de
  • ob
  • in
  • de, de
  • per, imper
  • "shipped a ground carrier"
  • "to remove cutting"
  • " computer simulation"
  • "we got here quickly a shortcut"
  • " mandatory rules"
  • "by of"
  • "connect social media"
  • "advancing their interests global partnerships"
  • "learn how to plant trees the internet"
  • "get notified text"
  • "on my "


  • Via Object
  • Via Property
  • Via Method




Via must be easily attainable ​

Flying through air from hole to hole is possible but not attainable.

There's no point in thinking about paths which won't work

Not worth the trouble

Inter ​

  • Interact
  • Interface
    • Via is the interface between and
    • Via is the interface between and
  • Interpolate
    • Most ViaGeometry is interpolated.

"By way of" ​

"Be able to because of"

Moto Via Eco

"Move by way of the land"

"Use that branch to pull yourself up"

  • Computational Geometry
  • The interface between Moto, Neuro and Eco.
  • Via is an abstract layer on top of Eco. A via is where the Planter
  • A vias start and finish at the Cache.

Purpose of Via ​

  • Minimize Deadwalking
  • To be able to have a detailed mental model of your land, so that you can plan how you're going to Cover your lang.

a particular way or direction between places

a method of achieving something

Also Known As "Land Management"


the use of a particular path or direction for something to travel or be placed

"Cover" instead of "Fill" ​


"Cover" is a verb, "Fill" is a noun.

Via Scope ​

PieceCover > AreaCover > ViaCurve > ViaPoint

Direction ​


Preposition ​

    'Above', 'Across', 'Along', 'At',
    'Behind', 'Below', 'Beside', 'Between',
    'In', 'Into',
    'On', 'Onto', 'Over',
    'Through', 'To',
    'Until', 'Up',

$$$ ​

  • Via Affects productivity the most because via has deadwalking and cache positioning. Via Starts and Finishes at the cache.

  • Even the most atheletic planter is wasting time during deadwalking. Minimizing deadwalking benefits all planters and supervisors.


DevNotes ​

  • Request cache move

  • SquirrelCache -> PieceCache

  • Via layer

  • Via is superimposed onto eco

  • "Out of the way" Detour

  • Find the Path of least resistance

  • Navigate

  • Surveying

  • Mapping

  • Complete a Via

    • Solve a ViaProblem
  • MissedLand is a CoverError

  • The most inefficient Via exists at the same time as the most efficient Via. You can choose the wrong Via but still be using a valid Via. Possible but not practical.

  • PertainentNegative

    • "You can't put your foot there"
  • The units of Via are BagUps

  • Via is close to Surveying

    • Trangulation
  • Via is Superimposed onto Eco.

  • IsPlanted(Eco{})

    • Look to see if an EcoFactor is planted

Update your Via ​

DevState ​

`TagsToHeaders: False`


ViaProbability ​

ViaComposition ​

Eco is decomposed by composing a Via

  • Compose ViaCurves, ViaSpaces and ViaPoints together to Cover Land

  • Fit the ViaFactors together

  • ViaCurves within ViaSpaces

    • Walking through a Space between Trees.
    • EcoSpace is everywhere, ViaSpace are only the Spaces which are not obstructed.
  • ViaPoints within ViaCurves

  • ViaSelection

  • Cutting through residual is Via

  • Route start and finish are RouteProblems

    • Route Surfaces are RouteSolutions
    • Givens Assignables are Route and their values are Eco
  • "Neuro.Vision"

  • "Neuro.Vision.Find.BackLine"

  • "Neuro.Vision.Find.FarSide"

  • "Neuro.Vision.Find.FindFirstBagUp"

  • "Neuro.Vision.Find.Flag"

  • "Neuro.Vision.Find.Overview"

  • "Neuro.Vision.Hidden"

  • "Neuro.Vision.SeenFromCache"

  • "Via.Direction"

  • "Via.Overview"

  • "Via.ReadLand"

  • "Via.ViaAnalysis"

  • "Via.ViaDirection.ViaDownSlope"

  • "Via.ViaDirection.ViaTraverseSlope"

  • "Via.ViaDirection.ViaUpSlope"

  • "Via.ViaError"

  • "Via.ViaError.Deadwalking"

  • "Via.ViaError.PinchedArea"

  • "Via.ViaError.RedundantVia"

  • "Via.ViaError.TooClose"

  • "Via.ViaError.TooFar"

  • "Via.ViaEvent"

  • "Via.ViaEvent.AreaClosed"

  • "Via.ViaEvent.CompletionEvent"

  • "Via.ViaEvent.PositionEvent"

  • "Via.ViaGrid"

  • "Via.ViaGrid.ViaHexagonGrid"

  • "Via.ViaGrid.ViaSquareGrid"

  • "Via.ViaGrid.ViaTriangleGrid"

  • "Via.ViaName"

  • "Via.ViaAttributes.Overview"

  • "Via.ViaAttributes.ViaAccuracy"

  • "Via.ViaAttributes.ViaLength"

  • "Via.ViaAttributes.ViaPermutation"

  • "Via.ViaAttributes.ViaPrecision"

  • "Via.ViaAttributes.ViaTreeCount"

  • "Via.ViaQuestion"

  • "Via.ViaShape"

  • "Via.ViaShape.ViaNegativeShape"

  • "Via.ViaSuperposition"

  • PlantingProcess_LandApproach_FlyIn_Helicopter

  • PlantingProcess_LandApproach_WalkIn_WalkInTime

  • PlantingProcess_LandBriefing_FingerPointing_ArmMotoment

  • PlantingProcess_LandBriefing_PlanterSupervisor_BlockDiagram

  • PlantingProcess_LandBriefing_PlanterSupervisor_LandDiagram

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Error_DeadWalking_Definition_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Error_PinchedLand_WasteOfEnergy_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Landmark_Boulder_RelativeLocation_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Landmark_HighStump_BlockDiagram_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Landmark_RelativeLocation

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Landmark_Treeline_DistinctiveTree_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Landmark_TrenchDirection_FlipSide_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Landmark_WaterFeature_Pond_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_LandSection_Geometry_Linguistics_Shorthand_SimplifiedShape_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_Orientation_Landmark_LandmarkAlignment_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_PartnerPlanting_InsideLandBorderline_LandDiagram_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_PartnerPlanting_InsideLandBorderline_TreeFlag_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_PlanterEfficiency_DeadWalking

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_ViaLine_OptimalViaLine_StraightLine_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeCacheLocation_RoadCacheAboveLand_LineIn_WalkDownSlope

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeCacheLocation_RoadCacheAboveLand

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeCacheLocation_RoadCacheBelowLand_LandCache_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeCacheLocation_RoadCacheBelowLand_LineIn_WalkUpSlope

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeDensity_CirclePlot_RequiredTool_PlotCord

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeDensity_PlantingInspector_Plot_CirclePlot

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeDensity_Units_StemsPerHectare_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeDensity_VisualPlot_Brain_

  • PlantingProcess_LandManagement_TreeSpacing_MinimumTreeSpacing_ResidualLand_

  • PlantingProcess_LastBagUp_BagOutTime_PlanterPickUpTime_PlanterSupervisor_

  • PlantingProcess_LastBagUp_Finish=CountdownTo(TreeCount=0)_PlantingEfficiency

  • PlantingProcess_LastBagUp_FinishByLand_BlockClosure

  • PlantingProcess_LastBagUp_FinishByTreeCount_TargetTreeCount

  • PlantingProcess_LastBagUp_WalkOut_WalkOutTime

  • PlantingProcess_Replant_MissedLand_TreeFlag

  • PlantingProcess_Replant_MissedMicrosite_TreeFlag

Optimal vialine has zero displacement from via start to via finish, both are at the cache

Via/, , 0056.jpg Via/, , 0407.jpg Via/, , 0408.jpg Via/, , 0513.jpg Via/, , 0514.jpg Via/, , 0600.jpg Via/, , 0734.jpg Via/, , 1027.jpg Via/, , 1050.jpg Via/, , 1050.jpg Via/, , 1051.jpg Via/, , 1112.jpg Via/, , 1117.jpg Via/, , 1324.jpg Via/, , 1425.jpg Via/, , 1468.jpg Via/, , 1519.jpg Via/, , 1521.jpg Via/, , 1540.jpg Via/, , 1546.jpg Via/, , 1571.jpg Via/, , 1572.jpg Via/, , 1588.jpg Via/, , 1599.jpg Via/, , 1656.jpg Via/, , 1658.jpg Via/, , 1658.jpg Via/, , 1699.jpg Via/, , 1735.jpg Via/, , 1842.jpg Via/, , 1844.jpg Via/, , 1857.jpg Via/, , 1857.jpg Via/, , 1866.jpg Via/, , 2154.jpg Via/, , 2330.jpg Via/, , 2349.jpg Via/, , 2446.jpg Via/, , 2495.jpg Via/, , 2537.jpg Via/, , 2537.jpg Via/, , 2538.jpg Via/, , 2539.jpg Via/, , 2568.jpg Via/, , 2568.jpg Via/, , 2834.jpg Via/, , 2894.jpg Via/, , 2917.jpg Via/, , 2936.jpg Via/, , 2937.jpg Via/, , 2938.jpg Via/, , 2939.jpg Via/, , 2941.jpg Via/, , 2941.jpg Via/, , 2944.jpg Via/, , 2952.jpg Via/, , 2953.jpg Via/, , 2954.jpg Via/, , 2954.jpg Via/, , 2954.jpg Via/, , 2958.jpg Via/, , 2960.jpg Via/, , 2960.jpg Via/, , 2960.jpg Via/, , 3004.jpg Via/, , 3006.jpg Via/, , 3006.jpg Via/, , 3006.jpg Via/, , 3006.jpg Via/, , 3011.jpg Via/, , 3011.jpg Via/, , 3013.jpg Via/, , 3019.jpg Via/, , 3056.jpg Via/, , 3058.jpg Via/, , 3059.jpg Via/, , 3064.jpg Via/, , 3087.jpg Via/, , 3149.jpg Via/, , 3164.jpg Via/, , 90028.jpg Via/, , 90028.jpg Via/, , 90029.jpg Via/, , 90043.jpg Via/, , 90044.jpg Via/, , 90044.jpg Via/, , 90106.png Via/, , 90107.png

Library released under MIT License.