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🟠 ​


What is a Cache? ​

Cache Anatomy ​

  • Tarp
  • Box
  • Anchor
  • Kit

Cache Attributes ​

  • BoxCount
  • BoxStackHeight
  • BoxStackWidth
  • BoxStackDepth

🟠 ​

Set up for success

No redundant move




DevNotes ​

  • Post spade when setting up or returning to cache for easier grabbing with full bags. No bend and easier Find(Spade)

DevState ​

`TagsToHeaders: False`


  • "Moto.CacheMoto.BagsPlacement"

  • "Moto.CacheMoto.BoxPlacement"

  • "Moto.CacheMoto.BundlePlacement"

  • "Moto.CacheMoto.CacheBreak.Overview"

  • "Moto.CacheMoto.GarbageBox"

  • "Moto.CacheMoto.Overview"

  • Cache move so a cache move the cache is a good example of where the root really matters

  • a cache is typically about 3 m wide 2 m in the other direction and maybe a meter tall

  • it's really important to be efficient at the cache because unlike anywhere else in the land the cache is the one place where you take your break so if you're going slow at the cache you can be or you can go slow at the cache by taking too much time and taking a break like snacking

  • there's also a huge neuro aspect or even beta I guess because it's communication if you're at a cache with another person that adds a whole level of complexity to the moves and The vias and the neuro I guess it actually is mostly neuro because you want to talk to someone you kind of want to chill you spend like the last like 5 hours alone in a forest planting trees and you just want to talk to someone which is totally fair but the issue with that is you're not making any money and you're not planting any trees so it can be beneficial to be anti-social in a way but not too there we go there's a bit of a complexity there you don't want to be too antisocial because you can derive benefit from just like talking to someone for a few minutes

  • the actual motos of the cache the motos are smaller there's little force and they have the least amount of force unless you're lifting up a box because nothing there is actually heavy you're mostly dealing with your own food and you're eating and you're drinking water

  • an important thing to thing to think about with cache moves which is related to moto module is clothing if it's cold and rainy out should you put your jacket on and then there's a lot of really high complexity moves with dealing with a wet jacket or a muddy jacket or a wet muddy jacket how do you manipulate your clothing or move with your clothing without making them super muddy cuz then if they get muddy you might cause extra chafing when you're walking and if you make it wet then make you'll be colder than you want to be

  • the cache move you should be setting up that's the main thing that people mess up is that they don't follow in an exact protocol they improvise each time

  • the best way to do it is to go to the cache drop your bags in the same position as always or at least have the same the entire same setup for the for the entire time that you're at the at a particular cache so how does the setup change between caches changes on if you're on the road or not if you're in a piece if you can't sit down like sometimes you might be your cache might be right beside a stream so you cache is actually really wet you can't really sit down there or if it's snowy or if it's a summer cache or a spring cache that changes the setup a little bit you'll have to remember to keep all your stuff together

  • issue with you want to put your stuff under the tart but under the tarp is full of pesticide so ultimately is it good to put stuff under the tarp?

  • the cache bag and where you position the cache bag ideally you would want to touch the tarp and the boxes the minimum time as possible so that means that when you leave the cache you want to have it be set up for when you return so in the Cache there's also different types of moves most of the moves or tool moves so box open box close box move box stack yeah and the tart motos I guess you could just copy from like people who make beds like being able to well that's another thing too so when you take a rock off a tarp you don't throw it cuz the further you throw it the further you have to walk to go pick up that rock that you just threw when you're leaving the cache so there's another Axiom to think about is don't create work for yourself yeah that's a pretty good one yeah with the cache is a huge there's a lot of complexity because you have to deal with not getting things dirty not getting things wet it's also difficult to I guess where do you separate the cache bag like the tool part in the move part the cache is all the cache tools are either roots or moto tools none of them are eco so yeah you start at the cache and you end at the cache so the start move would be putting on the bags and standing up the finish move would be taking off the bags and placing them ideally when you take off your bags and you're placing them you use the momentum of the falling can also twist your body use the momentum as the bags are falling to position them and ideally you don't want to reposition them so it's kind of like in the climbing games where wherever you wherever you go whatever hold you grab that's the only one you can use you can't hand swap or you can't readjust or anything yeah I'm with the cache move there's also eating involved so that's where the Phrase becomes pretty important because if you have your gloves on or eating that's like really bad for your health which is totally not really mentioned so the Phrase really matters it's kind of b******* because all your gloves are porous no matter what so the pesticides are still getting onto your fingers I don't know if people really wash their hands and even if they do wash their hands what dissolves the the pesticide is a polar nonpolar what's going on there do you need to use soap do you need to use vinegar how do you actually get pesticide off what is pesticide f***I don't even know a pesticide is but we have it and we're coming into contact with it all the time for the cache move there's a lot of the motos you can do a lot of the motos but the motos that you do affect your neuro so they affect your mood so if you sit down in a cache move like you can definitely do that physically but mentally that's not the same as just bending over cuz if you're just bending over you can leave easily you're not relaxing you're not getting your head out of the game you're maintaining a mindset so with the cache move there's it's high complexity because it actually might even be high risk too because since since neur o is way more chaotic than moves you can sit in the wrong position wrong as in it will make your neuro all messed up like say you come back and you sit down and you kneel on your legs and then now you have a bunch of wet mud on your butt that will affect your neuro or say you come back and you you step on when your piece of clothing by mistake and it gets it all dirty so it really is in a way your gear your equipment becomes part of eco when you're at the cache are there obstacles at the cache not really I guess the only obstacle would be the road because you can't sit on the road because a car might drive by how do you grade the different comfort levels of a cache I don't really know what that would that would probably be like intensity or something so if it's like a hard packed Gravel Road like the one near Kelowna at the end of the year last year that was pretty uncomfortable it was drives pretty shit meanwhile if you have a cache surrounded by like say you beside a burn pile you can kind of like sit on the burn pile you can find benches so yeah that's another thing with the cache is adding the word bench or seat places to sit once again you don't want to sit there for too long but it's kind of nice sometimes especially if it's hot out to sit down when it's cold out you really don't want to hang out by the cache because you're only going to get colder the reverse is true when it's hot out I guess when you sit out at the cache when it's hot you can cool down because you don't have to move

  • BottleReCoverMoto

Moto/CacheMoto/, , 0048.jpg Moto/CacheMoto/, , 3064.jpg Moto/CacheMoto/, , 3076.jpg Moto/CacheMoto/, , 3076.jpg

Library released under MIT License.