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πŸ”·πŸŸ  Risk ​

Definition ​

  • Probability
    • Risk is about a 's of success, not risk of injury. There should be no risk of injury while Climbing
    • Improbable, Remote, Occasional, Probable, Frequent
  • Consequence of
    • Negligible, Marginal, Moderate, Critical, Catastrophic Risky Moves have a small margin for error.


To minimize the Risk of Injury Climbers MUST avoid these Moves:

  • using can .
  • Climbing without gloves or tape can rip the skin on the back of hand and wrist.
  • down to a can injure shoulder joints.

Examples of ​

Risk of

Low Risk ​

  • on .

High Risk ​

  • onto a
  • on .
  • a
  • No possible


Levels of Probability

  • [Improbable, Remote, Occasional, Probable, Frequent]

Examples Of Probability ​

MotoRisk.Probability1: Improbable

MotoRisk.Probability2: Remote

  • from when all other Contacts are Stable.

Probability3: Occasional

Probability4: Probable

MotoRisk.Probability5: Frequent

β€œThe first and last down jump”


Prediction ​

The inability to what a or part will feel like increases the Risk, such as when a

Consequence ​

NoRecovery Irreversible


Consequence2: Low

Consequence3: Moderate

Consequence4: High

Consequence5: Extreme

  • Fall

Quotes about Move Risk ​

β€œLow percentage movement”

β€œDo I go or not go”

β€œRisk worth the reward”,”Worth the risk”

β€œNot recoverable”,”there’s no return”,”Can’t undo this move”

β€œRiskier”,”Riskiest”,”Risky”,”Super risky”

β€œSketchy move”,”Super sketchy”


β€œGood chance”,”Bad chance”


β€œLow Percentage”



β€œSafer”,”Safer option”


β€œSecure”, β€œInsecure”,”Precarious”,”Treacherous”, ”Not confident about this foot placement”


β€œDelicate [Grip, FootPlacement]”,”Tenuous [Grip, FootPlacement]”



β€œNo room for error”, β€œno margin for error”

β€œUncertain”,”Unclear what to do”

β€œtouch and go”\A maneuver in which an aircraft touches the ground as in landing and immediately takes off again

Advantage ​


  • A tall Climber can reverse a Dyno which a shorter Climber couldn’t perform.
    • BypassRouteSection
      • ”Worth the risk”

Move Risk Factors ​

Accuracy ​

  • ()InverselyProportionalTo(Risk)
    • into a is Risky.
    • Adding a increases the Risk that the Climber will miss the .
from being Gripped in and or .
    • CausedBy()


  • Position of Climber in space. Particularly the position of a Climber’s CenterOfMass.
  • BarnDoor

Irreversible ​


  • A movement which can’t be reversed.

Get BradGobright quote about FreeSolo in Eldorado Canyon in ReelRock.



  • Movements which are reversible but with at least a moderate probability of resulting in a Fall.

BlindMove ​


  • Definition(ProprioceptiveMovement)
    • A Movement which relies on Proprioception (sensing the position of one’s body). Without being able to use one’s eyes to guide the Movement.


  • PaddleDyno
  • HiddenFootSwap
  • HiddenHandMatch
  • HiddenBumpMovement
  • HiddenRouteSurface


  • HandSwap
    • Hands have high Proprioceptive ability, but it is possible that they could make MovementError, such as FingerOverlap or not NoSurfaceLeft.

No Recovery ​


  • Climber can’t recover if MovementFailure happens. If HandSlip or FootSlip, or MissedTargetSurface happens, then Climber will not be able to recover control so that Climber doesn’t Fall.

  • No option to Redirect

  • Muscle can’t be used to regain control during Movement or after MovementFailure.

  • If Climber has an AnteSubmovementFailure, then Climber won’t be able to perform RecoveryMovement.

  • Not possible to muscle through a RouteSequenceError

    • HandMatch not possible, therefore HandSwap not possible
      • SmallHold, GripFatigue
  • ThresholdPassed

    β€œOver the line”

    β€œCrossed the line”

    • RouteSurface FrictionLine RangeOfRouteAnglesLimitLine

    • GeometricalLimit

    β€œCling on”, ”Stay on”

    β€œPast the point of no return”

  • Barndoor

    • What is the PhysicsName for the threshold of a Barndoor, beyond which is a Fall?
    • Does Barndoor imply Fall. A Barndoor can be used for LateralDynamicMovement
  • Dyno

    • Unable to return to the Holds used to during LaunchPhase of Dyno

Pain ​


  • TooManyAttempts

    β€œIf I do this one more time then I’ll start to bleed”

    • SelfPreservation
    • SelfControl
    • LongGame
  • PushMovementTooFar

  • Overload tissues

    • TendonTear
    • LigamentTear

Environment ​

WallType can modify MotoRisk or RouteRisk.

  • SlabWall increases Risk of SlipMovement.
  • NoShadowHold
  • SmallHold
  • SlightConcavityHold
  • AlexHonnold on the FreeblastSlab in FreeSoloMovie.

LowRiskMovement ​

  • Stand on (Ledge, Ground)
  • Kneebar
    • ShallowKneebar is riskier than DeepKneebar.
  • Sit
  • JugGrip
    • JugGrip.Risk(+)
      • WetRouteSurface
    • JugGrip.Risk(-)
      • 2_JugGrip
  • Standing
  • Sitting
  • RestPosition
  • ShakeOut

HighRiskMovement ​

  • FootSwap where supporting FootPosition must be maintained
    • FootCrossSwap
  • SlotMovement
    • FootSlot
    • HandSlot
  • PaddleDyno
  • Multiple ClimberPart Smearing on SlabWall

Library released under MIT License.