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πŸ”· ​

Everything made so far is Documentation for this App. App is designed to mimic a planter's experience. Planters create, edit, view, browse, compose, record Beta.

BetaApp can be used for Klimbeta and PutPlant

Convert BetaDataTypes ​

BetaJSON ​

BetaJSON can be used by Python or Typescript

BetaJSON represents a BetaBlock

A BetaBlock could be an individual BetaElement or a group of hundreds of BetaElements.

Inputs ​

  • BetaJSON
  • BetaVideo
  • BetaString
  • BetaAudio

Outputs ​

  • BetaAnimation
  • BetaString
  • BetaAudio
  • BetaGraph
  • BetaList
  • BetaTimeline
  • BetaCardStack
  • BetaDiagram

FrontEnd ​

Vue.js ​

D3.js ​

Python ​

Backend ​

PostgreSQL ​

πŸ›  PutPlantApp is a Simulator ​

Users choose what to do next

Users solve (stages, levels) by writing Plantbeta

PutPlantApp is a tool

PutPlantApp is most useful for PotentialPlanters who live in urban areas, who don't have much exposure to wilderness.

πŸ”· is a lot to learn all at once, so learning over a few months before the season starts will be more efficient.


The Source Code for Put(Plant) is called Plantbeta.

Library released under MIT License.