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πŸ›  Element Graph ​

D3 ​

Write a python script to convert the config into a json that D3 treemap can use. So you don't have to worry about updating both

There shouldn't be a node called overview, so use the name in the sidebar, not the file name

Object Value Change ​

Observable Temporal Force Directed Graph
Value Addition
Value Subtraction

Saves Time
Wastes Time


Increase Risk




Reduces Effort
Increases Effort

Avoids Hassles
Embraces Hassles

Reduces Cost
Increases Cost

Increases Variety
Reduces Variety



Adds Access
Removes Access

Removes Value Subtraction
Removes Value Addition

Example of an Object's Value ​

  • Text
    • RequiredMoto
    • Force required
    • Direction of travel
    • Instruction for what to do next.
  • Number
    • Density
    • TreeCount
    • ViaSequenceNumber
    • MotoPhraseNumber
    • StepCount
  • Location
    • TargetLocation in the Eco.
    • PotentialMicrosite
  • Array
    • MotoPhrase
    • Set of Submotos
    • ViaSequence

Outcome > Output ​

False value is a bunch of features that Planters don't use. The value of a stump is not its color (HexadecimalValue, RGB values), rather value comes from the stump's PotentialMicrosites. The ViaFactor(PotentialMicrosite, FlagSite) gives the EcoFactor(Stump) value

Theorem the name of an object, while Problem is the object's values and methods.

Value Exchange ​

The value exchange of woven fiber neighbors is the tension force holding each other in place. Warp Weft. ForceExchange.

Subsystems give each other value.

The ViaFactor(GoodMicrosite, FlagSite) gives the EcoFactor(Stump) value. The stump gives Via value by providing PotentialMicrosite.

The exchange doesn't need to be mutually beneficial. Both ValueAddition or (ValueAddition + ValueSubtraction).

What does paired Object get in return?

Value Chain ​

Also known as a Value Stream.

Value is added along a Phrase of steps. Like Bioamplification of poison in Predatory Birds

  • Exponential
  • [Addition of MarginalGains Infographic]

MotoFactorValue ​

MotoFactorValue Addition

Moto Saves Time ​

  • FlagMoto while Walking away.
  • Use one forceful ScreefMoto instead of many weak ScreefMotos.
  • FootScreef a thin DuffLayer instead of bending over to SpadeScreef.

Moto Simplifies ​

  • MotoShape
  • HighFlag your LineIn to make it easier for the Planter in a neighbouring piece to see their piece boundary lines.

Moto Reduces Risk ​

  • SpadeProbe the soil to reduce the risk of hurting your wrist by hitting a subsurface rock.
  • Reduce the risk of injury by learning how to fall properly.
  • Use ArmBalance to reduce the risk of Falling.

Moto Connects ​

  • AbsorbMoto allows smooth transitions between Motos.
  • Use ArmAbsorb to redirect Spade during SpadeMotos.

Moto Reduces Effort ​

  • Remove Clothing Layer to reduce your body's need for sweat.
  • Stick Spade in the ground when you get to the cache to avoid having to pick it up from the ground when you return to the Eco.

Moto Avoids Hassles ​

  • BodyRotate before BodySlot to prevent BagSnag
  • Any Snag is a hassle
  • ArmBlock to prevent getting hit with a branch in the face.
  • Adjust your bags to avoid getting abraisions on your hips.

Moto Reduces Cost ​

  • Flag is a cost in money terms and Planter resources too.

Moto Increases Variety ​

  • HandClose is more versitile than FootClose.

Moto SensoryAppeal ​

  • Not listening to music with headphones, so you can hear the Attributes of the soil.

Moto Informs ​

  • SpadeProbe to feel the ground instead of only using vision for MicrositeSelection.

Moto Access ​

  • Fold a plant out of the way of Hole.
  • Moto a branch out of the way when walking through Slash or a residual patch.

MotoFactorValue Subtraction

Moto WastesTime ​

  • Deadwalking

Moto Complicates ​

Moto Increase Risk ​

  • Walking on wet logs

Moto Disorganizes ​

  • GhostLine

Moto Disintegrates ​

Moto Disconnects ​

Moto Increases Effort ​

  • Climbing over a SlashPile instead of going around it.

Moto EmbracesHassles ​

Moto IncreasesCost ​

  • FlagRipError so that the flag is longer than it needs to be.

Moto Reduces Variety ​

  • LimitedRangeOfMotion
  • Tight Clothing
  • Not planting Ambidextrously

Moto Obscures (SensoryAppeal) ​

  • ThickGloves so you can't feel your PlantingHand
  • HiddenByPlanter
    • You can't see the hole because your arm is in the way

Moto Disinforms ​

Moto RemovesAccess ​

  • HoleCollapse

MotoSelection.MotoEvaluation - "Is that the best move for the current BetaInstance" - Neuro.Judgement - All evaluations are judgements. See Kahneman - What is the most valuable move gi - Which move solves the current state?

  • Energy to move.

  • Knowing where to go

    • Via
  • Knowing how to move

    • MotoSelection
  • Required Tools

    • A spade is more valuable than an extractor since it can solve more problems more efficiently. A spade solves the same problems as an extractor and can solve even more problems than an extractor.

ViaFactorValue ​

ViaFactorValue Addition

Via Saves Time ​

  • Most direct Via
  • Minimium ObstacleDensity

Via Simplifies ​

  • A ViaCurve is more simple than ViaShape.

Via Reduces Risk ​

Via Organizes ​

Via Integrates ​

Via Connects ​

Via Reduces Effort ​

  • Most direct Via
  • Minimium ObstacleDensity

Via Avoids Hassles ​

Via Reduces Cost ​

Via Increases Variety ​

Via SensoryAppeal ​

Via Informs ​

Via Increases Access ​

ViaFactorValue Subtraction

Via Wastes Time ​

Via Complicates ​

Via Increase Risk ​

Via Disorganizes ​

Via Disintegrates ​

Via Disconnects ​

Via Increases Effort ​

Via Embraces Hassles ​

Via Increases Cost ​

Via Reduces Variety ​

Via Obscures (SensoryAppeal) ​

Via Disinforms ​

Via Removes Access ​

EcoFactorValue ​

EcoFactorValue Addition

Eco SavesTime ​

  • ObstacleDensity
  • A Microsite is more Valuable after it has been Screefed. Unless the soil is very thin and the Screefing destroyed the Microsite.

Eco Simplifies ​

Eco ReducesRisk ​

Eco Organizes ​

Eco Integrates ​

Eco Connects ​

Eco ReducesEffort ​

  • Easy HoleMoto in CreamyEco is HighEcoValue.
  • Strenuous SlashMoto in SlashyLand is LowEcoValue.

Eco AvoidsHassles ​

Eco ReducesCost ​

Eco Variety ​

Eco SensoryAppeal ​

Eco Informs ​

Eco Access ​

EcoFactorValue Subtraction

Eco Wastes Time ​

Eco Complicates ​

Eco Increase Risk ​

Eco Disorganizes ​

Eco Disintegrates ​

Eco Disconnects ​

Eco Increases Effort ​

Eco Embraces Hassles ​

Eco Increases Cost ​

Eco Reduces Variety ​

Eco Obscures (SensoryAppeal) ​

Eco Disinforms ​

Eco Removes Access ​

NeuroFactorValue ​

NeuroFactorValue Addition

Neuro SavesTime ​

Neuro Simplifies ​

Neuro ReducesRisk ​

Neuro Organizes ​

Neuro Integrates ​

Neuro Connects ​

Neuro ReducesEffort ​

Neuro AvoidsHassles ​

Neuro ReducesCost ​

Neuro Variety ​

Neuro SensoryAppeal ​

Neuro Informs ​

Neuro Access ​

NeuroFactorValue Subtraction

Neuro WastesTime ​

Neuro Complicates ​

Neuro IncreaseRisk ​

Neuro Disorganizes ​

Neuro Disintegrates ​

Neuro Disconnects ​

Neuro IncreasesEffort ​

Neuro EmbracesHassles ​

Neuro IncreasesCost ​

Neuro ReducesVariety ​

Neuro Obscures (SensoryAppeal) ​

Neuro Disinforms ​

Neuro RemovesAccess ​

MotoValue ​

  • Successful SpadeProbe PositiveEcoTest. The Spade goes in deep enough to bury the seedling's roots.
  • HoleOpen gives value to InsertTree

RelativeValue ​

  • TallPersonBeta
    • "That ContactSurface isn't useful for me"
    • TeamPlant

ViaValue ​

EcoValue ​

  • RockCap is not valuable for planting.
  • CreamyEco

Value is added along the chain of steps. PlantingPhrase

MicrositeValidation Threshold MinimumValue

  • SoilAttributes
  • ObstacleCover

Microsite gets more and more valuable until the hole is closed

How to Read the Diagram ​




(State)Attencide ​

Anything that a Planter needs to remember during a planting Phrase.



Relationship ​

Degree of Influence ​

Object ​

Hierarchy ​

Timeline ​

  • Use Common Time like how dancers count to 8
  • Use Code snippets to write abbreviated names to insert Tags or ObjectName
  • Rythm
  • SequenceDiagram
  • BetaSequence
  • Staves

Arc the same shape as factors


The shape of the arc is the same shape as the factors' icons. Moto is parabolic, Via is absolute, Neuro has a Cusp, Eco is square

There are no BetaArcs, only BetaFactorArcs


DevNotes ​

  • Use Code snippets to write abbreviated names to insert Tags or ObjectName

DevState ​

`TagsToHeaders: False`


  • "Dev.Object.ObjectCard.Analogy.AOE3"
  • "Dev.Object.ObjectCard.Comparison(ObjectCards)"
  • "Dev.Object.ObjectComposition"
  • "Dev.Object.ObjectDescription"
  • "Dev.Pictogram"
  • "Dev.Pictogram.PictogramComparison"
  • "Dev.VennDiagram"
  • "BetaGraph"
  • "BetaGraph.ColorCode"
  • "BetaGraph.ColorCode.Highlight"
  • "BetaGraph.DirectRelationship"
  • "BetaGraph.EcosystemMap"
  • "BetaGraph.EcosystemMapPie"
  • "BetaGraph.EcosystemMapPie.CentralObject"
  • "BetaGraph.EcosystemMapPie.ConcentricRings"
  • "BetaGraph.EcosystemMapPie.ConcentricRings.RingLabel"
  • "BetaGraph.EcosystemMapPie.PieSection"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementAction"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementAction.Enable"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementAction.Produce"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementDependencies"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementImportance"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementImportance.DegreeOfInfluence"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementRole"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.CreateValue"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.EcosystemValueProposition"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ObjectEvaluation"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueChain"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueExchange"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValuePictogram"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.AvoidsHassles"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Connects"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Informs"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Integrates"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.MakeMoney"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Motivation"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Organizes"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.ProvidesAccess"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Quality"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.ReducesCost"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.ReducesEffort"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.ReducesRisk"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.SavesTime"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.SensoryAppeal"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Simplifies"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ElementValueType.Variety"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ValueAddition"
  • "BetaGraph.ElementValue.ValueCapture"
  • "BetaGraph.Hardware.Screen"
  • "BetaGraph.Hardware.Whiteboard"
  • "BetaGraph.LevelOfComplexity"
  • "BetaGraph.MetroMap"
  • "BetaGraph.NodeSize"
  • "BetaGraph.PostIt"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.ContiguousObject"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.FinishObject"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.InfraObject"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.ReorderPhrase"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.PhraseInsertion"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.PhrasePop"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.PhrasePush"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.PhraseSplice"
  • "BetaGraph.Phrase.StartObject"
  • "BetaGraph.StakeholderMap"
  • "BetaGraph.Symbols"
  • "BetaGraph.Timeline"

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Library released under MIT License.