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πŸ›  Start Contributing to Put(Plant): Your First Steps ​

How you can contribute ​


If you just want to sponsor Put(Plant)

Give Feedback ​

Give Code ​

Would you like to say anything about your experience of Put(Plant)? ​

Do you like planning events? ​

  • Organize workshops or meetups about Put(Plant)
  • Organize Put(Plant)'s first conference

Do you like to design? ​

  • Restructure layouts to improve Put(Plant)’s usability
  • Put together a style guide to help Put(Plant) have a consistent visual design
  • Create art for t-shirts or a new logo

Do you like to write? ​

  • Write and improve Put(Plant)’s documentation
  • Curate a folder of examples showing how Put(Plant) is being used
  • Write tutorials for Put(Plant)
  • Write a translation for Put(Plant)’s documentation

Do you like to code? ​

Do you like visual media? ​

Do you like organizing? ​

  • Link to duplicate issues, and suggest new issue labels, to keep things organized

  • Go through open issues and suggest closing old ones

  • Ask clarifying questions on recently opened issues to move the discussion forward

  • Give video

  • Give photos

  • Answer research questions

  • Make business connections

  • Make academic connections

  • Write documentation for functions in the standard library

If you want to contribute in other areas, you can:

  • Write documentation for Put(Plant) Developer’s Guide
  • Translate documentation
  • Use your front end Factors to improve Put(Plant)’s site

You can also help review contribution requests from other contributors. The core developers have a lot of work on their hands, so if you can help move some issues forward, then you’ll be helping Put(Plant) to get better faster.

How to get the Resources You'll Need ​

When you start contributing to an open source project, there can be a lot of information to take in all at once.

To help you navigate it all, your first port of call should be the Put(Plant) Developer’s Guide. It’s a super important resource that all contributors and core developers rely on since it covers everything from how to assess a potential contribution.

If you want to contribute documentation, then it’ll be very helpful to learn how to use this markup language.

Although you don’t need to have experience with the Python programming language to contribute to Put(Plant), it can open up some new ways of contributing. Here are some resources you can check out to learn more:

To get a feel for how the interpersonal aspects of contributing to Put(Plant) work, you can also check out Brett Canon’sPyCascades talk Setting Expectations for Open Source Participation. It’s about setting reasonable expectations of each other so we can make open source pleasant for everyone involved.

How to Pick Your First Issue ​

Give a clear explanation of the problem you solved and how you solved it: This will help reviewers get up to speed quickly and have the information they need to accept your contribution request.

Resolve only one issue in each contribution request: If you notice another problem while you’re working on your contribution, then you can resolve it in a second pull quest.

Contributing to open source is all about collaboration, so communication is super important. To learn more, check out what Open Source Guides has to say about communicating effectively when you submit a contribution.

When you’ve submitted your first contribution request, kick back and celebrate! You’ve taken your first big step on a journey that could lead to some cool places.

How to Submit Your First Contribution ​

Since most core developers are volunteers, you may not get a response right away, but there are couple things you can do to speed up the process:

What's Next ​

If you decide that you’d like to get more involved, then there are some opportunities you can explore. Maybe you’d like to:

  • Work toward becoming a core developer
  • Seek mentorship
  • Join the triage team
  • Join a work group for a specific project

Information Contribution ​

Video Contribution ​


Upload videos on YouTube then download for processing

Put "PutPlant" in the title

Video MetaData ​

You can select several videos at once to add the same keywords and categories to streamline content submissions. We also offer the option of uploading metadata via a CSV file for larger submissions.

Video Length ​

Maximum Length

Image Contribution ​


DevNotes ​

DevState ​

`TagsToHeaders: False`
  • It will look good on your resume, volunteering for a Non Profit combating climat crisis
  • Give to the planters that will come after you. We will always have forests to cultivate.
  • "Join a community" instead of just contribute this project. Remember that some people don't want to join a community and remain anonymous.
  • Discussion in chats contribute without pull requests. Conversation leads to code.
  • Community of Planters


  • "Dev.Donation"
  • "Dev.Feedback"

dev/, , 3045.jpg

Library released under MIT License.