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BePython ​

Build a Computational Model of Beta


UsePython code will be on github (where the programmers are), BePython is for non-programmers


What is Computation? ​

Define BetaFactor classes for BePython instead of UsePython. UsePython will change UI or state. BePython is implemented in humans, UsePython is implemented digitally.

BePython only outputs information that is designed to be read by humans. UsePython outputs non human readable information like JSON.

UsePython is a superset of BePython.

BePython has alot of f strings

class Arm(Moto):

Computer ​


Insert the route

Route is composed of Via and Eco and sometimes Moto if for the StartPosition

Pass a Route as an argument to the Climb() method

Users can use a form instead of writing a dict

BePython, Analogy between Python and Planting ​

Your best Python code won't even run digitally. It will be implemented in and by humans.

Be like a Dune mentat.


math conditional execution | repetition | algorithm | syntax | runtime errors |

Algorithm ​

Data ​

Input/Output ​

Return Value ​

Motos return force


def move(move{}, eco{}, via{}, neuro):
    force = (Submoto{} + Submoto{})
    return force

Simulator ​

  • Use Simulation to model motos. Ultimately the goal is to have a planter coded in Unity.
  • 3D model of planter
  • 3D model of all objects in Put(Plant).
  • So kids who game can learn the computations of Computational Planting, before they are old enough to work as a planter.
    • Phone Game

Computational Neuroscience ​

Computational Geometry ​

Computational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. Some purely geometrical problems arise out of the study of computational geometric algorithms, and such problems are also considered to be part of computational geometry.

Graph Theory ​

  • Nearest Neighbor
  • Minimum Spanning Tree

Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation ​

Computer Science ​

  • What are the computations that planters use?
  • Just like Python, all objects in a planter's experience are objects.


Object Oriented Programming

A mathematical object is an abstract concept arising in mathematics. In the usual language of mathematics, an object is anything that has been (or could be) formally defined, and with which one may do deductive reasoning and mathematical proofs. Typically, a mathematical object can be a value that can be assigned to a variable, and therefore can be involved in formulas. Commonly encountered mathematical objects include numbers, sets, functions, expressions, geometric objects, transformations of other mathematical objects, and spaces. Mathematical objects can be very complex; for example, theorems, proofs, and even theories are considered as mathematical objects in proof theory.

I want to call Beta Objects Elements to align with gymnastics, since they call their Gymnast units of performance Elements. { Gymnastics : Put(Plant) }

All functions are Objects

A Moto is an Object of Movement

  • ArmSwing()

An Eco is an Object of the Environment

  • TrenchLand

A Neuro is an Object of the Nervous system

A Beta is an Object of Beta.

  • Put() is a Beta
  • Beta.Lingo()
    • BetaLingo is like print() or console.log()

When someone asks "What's your Beta?" you don't give them your Beta since Beta requires execution, instead you give them a description of Beta. All code is actually the movement of electricity, but it's represented as text. Really what the person is asking is "What is a description of your Beta?"

Beta can be represented as Plantbeta, or BetaVox

You can't speak about Via or Moto by themselves.

An Element is an Object of Put(Plant).

  • BetaElement and Put(Plant)Element have been confused. Beta can be applied to Climbing, Put(Plant) can not. You don't need Beta to climb. Beta is an abstraction layer on top of Climbing or Planting. Beta is the observation

  • BetaScore

Beta is the method that you use, but also the communication of that method. There needs to be another word for the communication. BetaLingua

The BetaLingo of balance beam

" the , then "



Beta_Attributes = {




Eco_Attributes = {
    'material': string,




Moto_Attributes = {



Via_Attributes = {



  • An object in Awareness
  • An object of your Attention

Data Types ​

There is nothing too small to describe with code. Opening a water bottle can have a Phrase List

for microsite in via:


  • Any Phrase

Dict ​




  • Species Ratio


Tuple ​

MotoTuple ​

ViaTuple ​

NeuroTuple ​

EcoTuple ​

String ​

All spoken Beta are strings

Loop ​

for bundle in box

For Loop

The for statement is used to iterate over the elements of a sequence (such as a string, tuple or list) or other iterable object:

MotoLoop ​

for move in movePhrase

ViaLoop ​

for  in

NeuroLoop ​

  • Planting Loop
for  in
  • Probe Loop
for  in
  • Microsite Selection Loop
for microsite in via:
  • Counting Loop
for seedling in bag:
  • Unwrap Loop
while Bundle_Is_Wrapped = True:
  • Cache Construct Loop
for box in transporter:

Function() or Method() ​

MotoFunction() ​

  • MotoMethod
def move(move{}, eco{}, via{}, neuro):
    force = (Submoto{} + Submoto{})
    return force

ViaFunction() ​

  • Area.BoustroCover
def BoustroCover:


NeuroFunction() ​

  • Area.BoustroCover
  • is Via

Expression ​

MotoExpression ​

The coverage control is a multi-agent system control method that governs agents to move toward the optimal placement based on a predetermined density function. Many applications of coverage control have been reported in many fields, such as

ViaExpression ​

NeuroExpression ​

Control Flow Statements ​

If ​

MotoIf ​

ViaIf ​

NeuroIf ​

Break ​

You GetTree while you're MicrositeFind()

Use this level of detail.


Monty Python References ​

Shrubbery ​

a plant with a wooden stem and many small branches that usually does not grow very tall

  • In the future shrubs will be planted among crop trees to prevent soil erosion.
  • In northern Alberta they plant Rhododendron Shrubs (locally known as Labrador Tea)

Information Theory ​


RockyLand has more information due to its unpredictable soil. CreamLand has less information than BadLand.

Only send what you can't predict

You don't need to communicate JugGrip you only need to communicate that you must use the JugHold.

You don't need to communicate ViaBody if you know ViaStart and ViaFinish.

Tensor ​

Via is a Tensor


Runtime ​

When is Plantbeta Running

Compilation ​

Just in Time Compilation

Microsoft ​

Fit Put(Plant) into Microsoft products by renaming it to Pylant.

VScode ​

Extension for BetaDiagram Previewer


Typescript ​

Syntax Highlighting

Type Hints


Github ​


Introduction to Open Source for Nonprofits and Social Sector Organizations ​

Github Fund ​

Sponsors ​

Npm ​

Windows ​

Apple doesn't allow PWA

Excel ​

Most Planting companies probably already use Excel all the time. Many Planters keep their numbers in Excel.

Packaging ​

How to create a package in Python?

BatchProcessing ​

BetaComposition ​

Slot in elements

Insert elements is more Polyglot

Inserting is an essential action of composition

BOM Beta Object Model ​

Planters are constantly changing their Beta in RawLand,

Planters use the Virtual BOM only in their mind or in BetaApp.

A BetaDiagram is the BOM, a Planter

Virtual DOM is Virtual BOM

Virtual Document Object Model

Virtual Beta Object Model

Actual DOM is the Actual BOM


What renders the BOM?

Eco is not rendered but Neuro, Moto and Via are rendered

A virtual model is a model of a model

Randonner dans l'Γ‰co

Planter is the renderer

Feeling the ground without touching it, is

The BOM is rendered into 1st person experience. Thinking about ArmProp before ArmProp in reality.

The state of Via changes when a planter looks around or turns around like a South Pointing Cart

The html Elements aren't always added or removed but their values can change. The object which points to the cache is always present once you walk away from the cache, but it's value is constantly changing.

What is analogous to the browser?

The browser is still objects, when does Vue become real? Light

The real part a red svg circle is the red light

Threads ​

The mind is single threaded

TeamBeta is multithread

Parallel or Concurrent

Follow is Parallel

What scope is parallel? Team can both be Backfilling but using different Theorem

Examples ​


>>> ZigzagPath(5)

# ZigzagPath a slope 5 wide
  • ComputationalModel


  • "Dev.System"

  • "Dev.System.Axiom"

  • "Dev.System.Byrne"

  • "Dev.System.Byrne.b1d2"

  • "Dev.System.DataType"

  • "Dev.System.DeductiveSystem"

  • "Dev.System.Definitions"

  • "Dev.System.Definitions.Differentiation"

  • "Dev.System.Expression"

  • "Dev.System.Function"

  • "Dev.System.Logic.MutuallyExclusive"

  • "Dev.System.Model"

  • "Dev.System.Model.GeometricModel"

  • "Dev.System.Model.MentalModel"

  • "Dev.System.Model.NumberModel"

  • "Dev.System.Object"

  • "Dev.System.Postulate"

  • "Dev.System.Problem"

  • "Dev.System.SetTheory"

  • "Dev.System.State"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.ElementHierarchySyntax"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.FunctionSyntax"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.AND"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.Colon"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.CurlyBraces"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.DoubleQuotes"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.ELSE"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.ELSEIF"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.Equal"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.ExclamationPoint"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.IF"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.OR"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.Parentheses"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.Period"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.PlusSign"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.SemiColon"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.SingleQuotes"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.SquareBraces"

  • "Dev.System.Syntax.Punctuation.Wildcard"

  • "Dev.System.Theorem"

  • "Dev.System.Value"


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DevNotes ​

  • People just want to know what to do

DevState ​

`TagsToHeaders: True`

Library released under MIT License.