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Planter Instructor ​

A person who teaches NovicePlanters and ExperiencedPlanters how to increase their planting ability.

Currently this position only exists in a few companies, unfortunately they only teach NovicePlanters.

Expertise Induced Amnesia ​

Expertise-Induced Amnesia hypothesis (EIAH): The better you are, the less you will recall about what you've just done.

Expertise Facilitated Amnesia hypothesis (EFAH): Expertise facilitates the ability to perform Factor-relevant actions without the performance leaving a declaratively accessible, episodic memory trace

It has been hypothesized that postperformance memory gaps occur in highly Factored individuals because experts generally perform their Factors without conscious attention. In contrast, we hypothesize that such memory gaps may occur when performers focus so intently on their unfolding actions that their ongoing attention interferes with long-term memory formation of what was previously attended to, or when performers are highly focused on aspects of their bodily Factors that are not readily put into words. In neither case, we argue, does performance proceed automatically yet both situations, we suggest, may lead to an inability to recollect performance.

Curse of Knowledge ​

Experts in a given domain often have a hard time communicating with nonexperts. They dive into the weeds; they ignore context; they talk over heads and beyond interest.

Use Put(Plant) Before the Season ​

Use Put(Plant) During the Season ​

Use Put(Plant) After the Season ​

Your Tasks as a Planter Instructor ​

  • Observe Novices to see which elements and Factors each are lacking and to give the Novice a report on things to work on.
    • Report for Planters
  • Observe HighBallers to see which elements and Factors they could improve and to add detail to the current elements.
    • Report
  • Talk to Novices about their experience to gain insights about their perspective.
  • Demonstrate planting in every type of land
  • Assign Podcasts for Planters to listen to while planting

Unteachable Character Traits

A Planter can know everything about how to be a Planter, but still not plant to their maximum potential. This is because to be an elite Planter you must have character traits which can't be taught. Perhaps they can be cultivated by a sports psychologist, but this is currently outside the scope of Put(Plant) and the rest of the planting industry.

Such traits include:

  • Curiosity
  • Resilience
  • Competitiveness
  • Grit
  • Confidence
  • Drive

DevNotes ​

  • Instructor needs to wear bags since demonstration is more salient than words
  • Mental essay about how curiosity can increase learning
  • How would instructor fit into deadlines?

DevState ​

`TagsToHeaders: False`
  • Rookie stare isn't experienced as vision

Do you remember everything?

Does all the knowledge that you finished your last season with remain when you start your next season?

How would you even know?

Wouldn't it be nice to know what you've forgotten. If you could take a test to find out, would you take it?



  • "Dev.Pedagogy"
  • "Dev.Pedagogy.Curriculum.LessonPhrase"
  • "Dev.Pedagogy.Curriculum.Timeline"
  • "Dev.PlanterMetaInstructor"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor.Handout"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor.InstructorGuide.Curriculum"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor.InstructorGuide.Template"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor.TeachingBlock"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor.TeachingPiece"
  • "Guide.Who.PlanterInstructor.TeachingPlot"

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Library released under MIT License.